Plante potagère à petites feuilles que l’on mange en salade (famile des valérianacées).

Se dit aussi: Doucette.

corn salad

Native to Europe, corn salad has nothing to do with corn . . . but it is used in salads. The narrow, dark green leaves of this plant are tender and have a tangy, nutlike flavor. In addition to being used as a salad green, corn salad can also be steamed and served as a vegetable. Though it’s often found growing wild in American cornfields, it’s considered a « gourmet » green and is therefore expensive and hard to find. It doesn’t keep well and should be used within a day or two of purchase. Corn salad should be washed and drained completely of any excess moisture before being stored airtight in a plastic bag. It’s also called field salad, field lettuce, lamb’s lettuce and mâche .

© Copyright Barron’s Educational Services, Inc. 1995 based on THE FOOD LOVER’S COMPANION, 2nd edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.